High School Teacher

Birth: 1915

Death: September 13 1996

Education: South Carolina State College

Career as an Educator: Mrs. Feemster was known for being the first black teacher to retire from the Richmond School System and the second black teahcer to be hired there.. Mrs. Feemster taught in South Caroline for 23 years before moving to Richmond Indiana. She went on teach for 18 more years, 16 years and Nicholson High School and 2 more years and Highland Heights. She was known for being firm but kind. If a student misbehaved in here classroom instead of bringing her to the principal’s office she would discipline them in front of the classroom she would get them with her “Teach a Tot” stick in front of the class. Although she was firm, she did truly care about her students. With working in a low income area she believed that the only way to get out was to have and education. She believed that all her students were worthy of success if they put there mind to it.

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