Educator and Activist
Birth:August 8,1927
Death: August 4, 2016
Education: Loyola University, 1949; Indiana University, 1969
Career: Mrs. Wynn taught first in Michigan City Indiana in 1971 and then went on teach english at Richmond High School from 1974-1980
Activism: She was known for her ability to get people the resources they needed to live there daily lives. This included arranged transportation for this who needed it and facilitating study circles and Morrison Reeves Library through and orginzation called “Community Builder”. She was also served on the Human Rights Comittee at the City of Richmond Chamber of Commerce as well as being a supporter of the Mothers Bank.
Awards: April 3,2006- Chamber of Commerce ONE Great Community Salute an award given to a member of the community who has done great work for the Richmond-Wayne Community