Gloster John Garrett

Birth: December 12, 1874

Death: October 19, 1874

Career as an Inventor: Gloster invented an automobile wheel with the financial assistance of his brother, Herbert Garret. This wheel had springs embedded to counteract the pressure from the rocky terrain at the time. They called it  The Garrett Brothers Resilient Spring Automobile Wheel and the estimate of its creation in 1912, based on a photo that Garret took standing next to the wheel.  He started out as a chauffeur for a wealthy family and acquired knowledge about vehicles along the way. This was before tires had tubes inside them and there was constant resistance and bouncing on rocky roads in the late 19th century.

Gloster’s invention record was found in the California Patent Library under the title  Vehicle Wheel. Serial No. 682,903.  However, he did not receive much recognition for this given that this same issue was addressed through the creation of an inner tube to relieve the rigidness of the tire.

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