Business Owner

Birth: In Muncie, Indiana.

Death: Unknown

Career in Business: Mr. Nash was the People’s Coal and Produce Company president in 1917, serving with the secretary, C.R Richardson. Others on the (all-Black) board of directors included R.E Edwards, a dealer in automobile accessories; Dr. W. W Anderson; E.M Brown, a dentist; H. D Bundy, manager of a dry cleaning business; and Charles J. Jones, a fish dealer. This company was inspired by Booker T. Washington’s 1915 visit to Richmond when he recommended the Black residents of Richmond expand their commercial enterprises. The company’s goals were to benefit the city’s Black community and to be a cooperative endeavor. The factory was located on the C & O Railroad at the end of the 8th Street carline. The building contains over 2,000 square feet of floor space and is equipped with modern machinery. The company produced parlor lamps and beautician equipment, amongst other things.

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